샘 코머 (Sam Comer) : 수상 정보
아카데미 영화제
후보: 26 / 수상: 4

아카데미 수상
1956 Best Art Direction-Set Decoration, Black-and-White
장미 문신 (The Rose Tattoo)
1951 Best Art Direction-Set Decoration, Black-and-White
선셋 대로 (Sunset Blvd.)
1951 Best Art Direction-Set Decoration, Color
삼손과 데릴라 (Samson and Delilah)
1946 Best Art Direction-Interior Decoration, Color
프랑스인의 곤란 (Frenchman‘s Creek)

아카데미 후보
1964 Best Art Direction-Set Decoration, Black-and-White
허드 (Hud)
1964 Best Art Direction-Set Decoration, Black-and-White
적당한 이방인과 사랑을 (Love with the Proper Stranger)
1964 Best Art Direction-Set Decoration, Color
와서 나팔을 불어봐 (Come Blow Your Horn)
1963 Best Art Direction-Set Decoration, Black-and-White
로마에서 걸린 비둘기 (The Pigeon That Took Rome)
1962 Best Art Direction-Set Decoration, Color
티파니에서 아침을 (Breakfast at Tiffany‘s)
1962 Best Art Direction-Set Decoration, Color
여름과 담배 (Summer and Smoke)
1961 Best Art Direction-Set Decoration, Black-and-White
작은 행성 방문 (Visit to a Small Planet)
1961 Best Art Direction-Set Decoration, Color
그것은 나폴리에서 시작되었다 (It Started in Naples)
1960 Best Art Direction-Set Decoration, Black-and-White
커리어 (Career)
1959 Best Art Direction-Set Decoration, Black-and-White or Color
현기증 (Vertigo)
1958 Best Art Direction-Set Decoration
화니 페이스 (Funny Face)
1957 Best Art Direction-Set Decoration, Black-and-White
모독 (The Proud and Profane)
1957 Best Art Direction-Set Decoration, Color
십계 (The Ten Commandments)
1956 Best Art Direction-Set Decoration, Color
나는 결백하다 (To Catch a Thief)
1955 Best Art Direction-Set Decoration, Black-and-White
갈채 (The Country Girl)
1955 Best Art Direction-Set Decoration, Black-and-White
사브리나 (Sabrina)
1955 Best Art Direction-Set Decoration, Color
레드 가트너 (Red Garters)
1947 Best Art Direction-Interior Decoration, Black-and-White
키티 (Kitty)
1946 Best Art Direction-Interior Decoration, Black-and-White
러브 레터 (Love Letters)
1945 Best Art Direction-Interior Decoration, Black-and-White
사랑할 시간이 없어 (No Time for Love)
1943 Best Art Direction-Interior Decoration, Black-and-White
편지를 받아, 달링 (Take a Letter, Darling)
1942 Best Art Direction-Interior Decoration, Black-and-White
새벽을 잡아라 (Hold Back the Dawn)